26 Oct JTG Win Best Independent Workshop In Leinster Award… Again
James Travers Garage Limited retained the award of Best Independent Workshop in Leinster. This is the third consecutive year that we have received this award & this qualified our business with four other regional winners to the overall best independent workshop in Ireland.
The competition is judged by Irish Auto Trade industry professionals & involves mystery shopping, examination of the quality of work carried out on customers cars by our garage, our premises are examined for suitability & cleanliness etc. Along with the customer handling & the overall quality of our offering.
We are absolutely delighted & honoured to have then won the event outright so we are now recognised by the Irish Auto Trade as the best independent workshop in Ireland.
To now have won this award outright is great achievement by all our staff without whom it would not have been possible to do so.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all our our customers for the custom & support not only now but since 1974 when we first opened our doors for business, thank you.
To our suppliers & sub-contractors again thank you & well done for providing us with parts & services to meet both our expectations, needs & those of our customers.
Congratulations to all mentioned & thank you all sincerely.
Best regards,
James Travers Garage Limited